Law Enforcement

Introducing BluAssist

Law Enforcement teams are stretched thin -  every saved minute counts. BluAssist  automates the body-worn camera review process, giving supervisors back their invaluable time while highlighting the strengths of their teams and identifying coaching opportunities.

Automated Audit and Review

Analyze 5%, 10%, even 100% of BWC audio and present supervisors with the evaluations they need - random and balanced across video

Transcription & Keyword Alerts

Convert BWC audio into searchable text. Set up keyword alerts to swiftly identify critical moments or areas of interest, further expediting the review process.
BA Event

Integrated Data Analysis

Matching data from your CAD  system, evaluates incidents in near real-time against your department’s policies.

Insightful Officer Evaluations

Comprehensive reports on officers, teams, and department-wide. Highlight areas of strength and identify moments that require coaching and skill improvement.

Time Efficient

Reduce the painstaking hours supervisors currently invest in manual sampling and video reviewing.

Consistent Quality Checks

Guarantee a standardized evaluation process, ensuring no moment goes unchecked.

Foster Officer Development

Equip supervisors with the tools to provide effective feedback, enabling officer growth and bridging any training gaps.


Click below to schedule a demo for your own look at BluAssist.